You have not met it because it is still in development. Just watch "The Real Story Behind Wayland and X" to learn more about the Wayland vs X issue:

2017-04-06 7:38 GMT+02:00 Dr. Nikolaus Klepp <office@...>:
Am Donnerstag, 6. April 2017 schrieb Jan Kleks:
> Here's the news:
> ubuntu-unity-is-dead-desktop-will-switch-back-to-gnome-next-year/
> I guess this would be essential for increasing Wayland adoption. And when
> it comes to Wayland and the TDE, could you create a bug-tracker ticket so
> that we can track progress (even if very slow) for TDE's Wayland support,
> please?

It may be m ignorance, but I have never met Wayland in the wild. What does it do, that X11 does not?


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