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Month: January 2012

Re: [trinity-users] Trinity and KMail was: Re: [trinity-users] Re: quanta problem WAS how to get rid of old KDE packages?

From: Lisi <lisi.reisz@...>
Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2012 19:01:19 +0000
On Sunday 01 January 2012 18:03:56 Mag. Dr. Nikolaus Klepp wrote:
> have you looked at your working maschine (where you have kmail running) if
> kmail is still in the apt archiv folder? If yes, just copy that bunch to
> your husbands computer and install it :-)

Thanks for the suggestion, but the machine I have running is actually running 
Lenny and KDE3.5.10.  Oh - and I think taht I have run aptitude clean.

I won't have to wait long.  And the rest of the install has gone well.  I'd 
rather just be patient for a little longer.  KMail is a change.  (A switch 
from Icedove to KMail.)  It doesn't have to be now!!  Icedove is there, and I 
promised to restore it for him anyway so that he still has access to all the 
old emails he wants.  (I am reinstalling because his desktop went suddenly 
into terminal decline, and this is a new-to-him machine.)  I have Trinity, 
and that was the important bit.
