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Month: January 2012

Wiki Updates

From: Darrell Anderson <humanreadable@...>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 20:58:52 -0800 (PST)
I made extensive changes to the developer's page at the wiki. I ask that everybody review.

I won't pretend I got everything perfectly correct. Others with more experience need to perform a subject matter expert technical review.

I have a one sentence spot where eventually a link will be added as a gateway to package specific information about building. My hope for those pages will include unique build requirements, using extra include directories, what external packages are required to provide additional functionality, etc.

For that last point, this is not a detailed dependency list. Package managers and upstream maintainers handle those details. I am addressing additional functionality. For example, ocaml is not required to build kalzium in kdeedu, but adds additional functionality when present during building.

Please review the wiki. If uncomfortable directly editing the wiki, please forward corrections to me.

