On Friday 21 September 2012 13:08:27 Lisi wrote: > Trinity on my new box sometimes starts shutting down and then hangs. I > have tried giving it time, but once it has hung, I can leave it for several > hours without movement. The file system does not appreciate it whne I use > the on/off button or the reset button. > > My system is: > Debian Squeeze > Trinity 3.5.13 with Slavek's patches > GA-Z77-DS3H motherboard > / on 64 GB SATA SSD > /home on SATA 2TB drive > > Where do I go from here? > > Thanks, > Lisi Check if your computer shutthing down if you run "halt" manually. If not, try "halt -p". If is working the second case, check in kdmrc how the shutting down is performed, with "halt" or "halt -p". I have no idea if Debian use systemd, but take a look there: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Systemd#How_to_power_off_the_machine_.3F -- Serghei