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Month: January 2013

Re: [trinity-users] Migration to F16-Trinity_GoggleEarth

From: Patrick Serru <patrick@...>
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2013 21:31:29 -0500
      Thank you, Fran�ois

Le mercredi 09 janvier 2013, Fran�ois ANDRIOT a �crit :
> Le 08/01/2013 06:29, Patrick Serru a �crit :
>> Le lundi 07 janvier 2013, Fran�ois ANDRIOT a �crit :
>>> Le 07/01/2013 15:12, Patrick Serru a �crit :
>>>>         Hi All,
>>>>         If I lauch GE from a Konsol, it gives:
>>>> /opt/google/earth/free/google-earth: ./googleearth-bin: /lib/
>>>> bad ELF interpreter: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
>>>>         During some previous installation tryes, I sow that the problem
>>>> was coming from a library requested by a component of Trinity. Can
>>>> someone tell me, please, how to do to be able to run Google Earth,
>>>> while using TDE as windows manager?
>>>>         Thank you
>>>> Patrick
>>> Hello,
>>> it looks like you are installing a 32 bits application on a 64 bits
>>> machine.
>>> I guess the 32 bits library /lib/ is missing on your system.
>>> To find which package to install, just type:
>>>     yum provides /lib/
>>> Then install the package (I guess the name:
>>>     yum install redhat-lsb.i686
>>> Francois
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>        Thank you Fran�ois,
>>        The resulting text of the command is attached. The tail of it
>> being: 
>> protection contre les diff�rentes versions de biblioth�ques :
>> qt3-3.3.8b-41.fc17.i686 != 1:qt3-3.3.8.d-9.fc17.x86_64
>>        The previous tryed command was 
>> "install redhat-lsb-4.1-5.fc17.i686"... 
>>        Cheers
>> Patrick
> I see, yum searches for QT3 3.3.8d for 32 bits, but it is not available 
> in the 64 bits repository.
> I will fix this in the next Trinity release.
> Until then, you can manually download and install the following packages:
>                                            .../qt3-config-3.3.8.d-9.fc17.i686.rpm  
> Then install them:
>    rpm -Uvh qt3-*.i686.rpm
      The result is:
[user@lin-pat Telechargements]# rpm -Uvh qt3-*.i686.rpm
erreur: D�pendances requises: est n�cessaire pour qt3-1:3.3.8.d-9.fc17.i686 est n�cessaire pour qt3-1:3.3.8.d-9.fc17.i686 est n�cessaire pour qt3-1:3.3.8.d-9.fc17.i686 est n�cessaire pour t3-config-1:3.3.8.d-9.fc17.i686 est n�cessaire pour qt3-config-1:3.3.8.d-9.fc17.i686 est n�cessaire pour qt3-config-1:3.3.8.d-9.fc17.i686
> Then try again to install redhat-lsb.i686 and then googleearth.
> Francois