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Month: March 2015

Re: [trinity-users] TDE installed, LXDE not installed. LXDE launches. TDE will not launch. ?????

From: Lisi Reisz <lisi.reisz@...>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 09:53:11 +0100
On Sunday 29 March 2015 23:38:48 Felix Miata wrote:
> Lisi Reisz composed on 2015-03-29 22:11 (UTC+0100):
> > a)  This time, I shall uninstall LXDE as soon as I have TDE up and
> > running. Ditto I shall uninstall lightdm as soon as I have tdm.  I have
> > to have a configurable terminal emulator to install TDE, or I would
> > install without a DE and put just TDE on in the first place.
> What stops you from not installing LXDE in the first place?

<quote from above>
 I have to have a configurable terminal emulator to install TDE, or I would
 install without a DE and put just TDE on in the first place.

> Are you unable 
> to function on tty[1-6] in 80x25 mode (with no DE installed)?

On this television, I can't really see well enough to trouble shoot without a 
DE until I have managed to edit the console display, let alone edit my 
sources list and install anything.  So no, I am not able to function on 
tty[1-6] with no DE installed.

> All my 
> installs are HTTP minimal from netboot[1], after which I apt-get update and
> apt-get install mc', create /etc/apt/99local containing
> 	APT::Install-Recommends "0";
> 	APT::Install-Suggests "0";,
> adjust sources if necessary or desired, then apt-get or aptitude install
> whatever DM/DE I want or need. The installation result is lean, upgrades
> quicker, and doesn't have a menu loaded with apps I've never used or
> wanted.
> [1] included on installation cmdline: tasks="standard" vga=791
> video=1024x768@60

The required resolution depends surely on the monitor one is using?

If I could see well enough to do so on the machine in question, attached to my 
TV, I would do so.  But I can't.  So I do an install with LXDE (I can see the 
installer if I go close to the TV), configure the terminal emulator, and 
install TDE.  Which I can configure to make it visible (all but the Google 
Chrome address bar), which is why I like it.  Which is why I use it in the 
first place.

My present trouble shooting is being made much harder by the fact that the 
console display seems to have gone back to default as a result of the update, 
so I can't see it anything like properly, even very close to.

Well, Testing + PEBKAC = disaster. :-(
