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Month: June 2016

Re: [trinity-users] Non-trivial switching

From: Lisi Reisz <lisi.reisz@...>
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2016 19:53:41 +0100
On Saturday 11 June 2016 19:40:19 J. Drahun wrote:
> 11.06.2016 20:39, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > One man's meat is another man's poison.  If they "fix" it someone who
> > likes the present behaviour will be inconvenienced or annoyed.
> I wonder how this behaviour can be liked, to be honest.
> I didn't meet any page where this behaviour was liked when I searched
> for solution.

People who complain about it are thsoe who don't like it!!

If you *really* want something annoying, Ubuntu-MATE (and I _think_ all 
Ubuntu) has a default of going into lock-down if you leave your desk.  And it 
is really difficult and fiddly to turn off.  Turning off the screensaver 
doesn't work to stop it.  

I can see it is great in an office, but it is a real pain for a home user.  If 
the postman calls you have to input your password before you are allowed to 
continue watching the television programme your were watching!!!
