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Month: April 2018

Re: [trinity-users] Re: [Users] Strange messages at startup for one account

From: Jimmy Johnson <>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2018 20:02:32 -0700
On 04/24/2018 06:37 PM, Leslie Turriff wrote:
> 	It looks like it worked (see below) but I logged out of the account and then
> back in, and got the same thing. :-(
> Leslie

Hi!  From your post what I got is that you are having a permission 
problem in your /home/your_name folder?  If that's the case, open 
konqueror as super user, go to your home folder and show all hidden 
files, select all files, right click and click properties and make sure 
they are all your name and your group, if not fix it!  Let us know how 
that works.

In my home folder they are all my name and my group, even root is locked 

Jimmy Johnson

Devuan Beowulf - TDE-Trinity R14.0.5 - AMD A8-7600 - EXT4 at sda8
Registered Linux User #380263