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Month: April 2018

Re: [trinity-users] more re. tde and qt5

From: <phiebie@...>
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2018 19:16:26 +0200
> > So I can safely go ahead and let all the stuff get deleted and it
> > won't affect the operation of TDE? (The list I posted earlier?) 

NO, never do what that brainless apt suggests to delete or remove
Install aptitude (maybe synaptic does the same, I have no experience
with it) and then try to remove the first suggested package. Aptitude
either accepts it or, more likely, signals in bright red what other
packages this removal will affect. Examine these with "e" and only if
you are very! sure, that you won't need these mentioned packages allow
the removal by clicking piece by piece all those other packages. 
Mind you, that spending here some minutes may save you later a lot of
time for repairing a broken system.
Regards, Peter.