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Month: May 2018

Re: [trinity-users] Re: [Users] Anyone noticed this with Trinity and plymouthd?

From: "Dr. Nikolaus Klepp" <office@...>
Date: Tue, 8 May 2018 09:21:04 +0200
Am Dienstag, 8. Mai 2018 schrieb Leslie Turriff:
> On 2018-05-07 09:19:59 Felix Miata wrote:
> > Leslie Turriff composed on 2018-05-07 05:27 (UTC-0500):
> > > � If anyone else still has plymouth installed and can check with top to
> > > confirm plymouth is hogging CPU, that would be worth investigating. I can
> > > confirm this on 2 boxes.
> >
> > I don't get why anyone thinks Plymouth's basic purpose is more desirable
> > than the bloat it represents, or useful at all. I've never had it installed
> > on an openSUSE installation unless maybe when it first appeared I didn't
> > notice to taboo it. If I did, it was too long ago to remember. Anywhere
> > else, e.g. Mageia, where Plymouth was not optional, plymouth.enable=0 went
> > on those kernel cmdlines. At boot time, I don't need rainbow fluff and
> > spindly or no text instead of nice bold, legible white on black racing so
> > fast it can't all be read.
> 	I agree.  I wouldn't mind these folks adding such new stuff to the distros, 
> except that (as KDE did) they tend to make them at best default, and at worse 
> mandatory, removing the features we're used to and (sometimes) replacing them 
> with "improved" ones. :-(
> Leslie

The funny part with plymouth begins, when X11 fails to start.


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