On Friday 25 May 2018 19:37:00 Dan Youngquist wrote: > On 05/24/2018 08:01 PM, wofgdkncxojef@... wrote: > > an idea from futanari... > > kmix is just an applet right? > > try using an other applet that controll sound in trinity. > > something light weight that will not pull half of kde or gnome with it. > > It doesn't appear to be a kmix problem. Kmix works fine; it's only the > volume keys that don't work correctly. I can quit kmix, and the problem > still exists. are you sure? In my case, the keys them selves work fine. These keys are defined as global shortcuts in kmix In my case it's the global short cuts to kmix that seam not to work in certain cases. In short, that's an internal problem in kmix redefine the global shortcuts to something else. That something else will still not work.