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Month: September 2018

Re: [trinity-users] Re: In defense of TDE (or any mature software for that matter)

From: "Dr. Nikolaus Klepp" <office@...>
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2018 20:24:36 +0200
Am Samstag, 22. September 2018 schrieb deloptes:
> Marvin Jones wrote:
> > Even though that article is 3 years old, it's something I've
> > felt for more years than that. � Defense Exhibit A: GIMP
> I agree in some extent it might be true, but in reality Linux hit the
> Windows and other servers market heavily. They can not forgive. I also
> heard there are Linux hater groups inside Microsoft and other corporation.
> I am unsatisfied with the development of Linux in the past 10yeayrs - looks
> like the new generation has a different point of view on how things should
> go ... but this is also ok. One gets older anyway

Well ... Windows guys arrived at linux some years ago, and this is what you get. "Those who don't understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly. " ... had a talk with a guy yesterday, who tried to sell me "microservices" as the greatest invention since the advent of computers, 'cause "things are well isolated then" ...


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