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Month: October 2019

Re: [trinity-users] no TDM on Mageia 7

From: François Andriot <francois.andriot@...>
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2019 13:14:31 +0200
Le 26/10/2019 � 05:40, Felix Miata a �crit�:
> DMI, administator, dma and loadmodules.
> Still no progress trying to figure out what is supposed to start TDM or control
> which dm is configured. :-( Is it supposed to be something in /etc/alternatives?
> /etc/systemd/system/ Why is there no
> display-manager.service? Reinstalling trinity-tdm doesn't help.

Hello, It looks like Mageia 7 now uses normal systemd configuration 
files to manage display manager, instead of mageia specific files in 
previous version.

So, you can try to create a file '/usr/lib/systemd/system/tdm.service' 
with following content:

Description=Trinity Display Manager
After=systemd-user-sessions.service getty@... 
plymouth-quit.service systemd-logind.service



Then, you can reboot your computer and TDM should start automatically if 
it was selected in Mageia Control Center.

If this does the job for you, please report and I will update the package.
