So this is a brand-new thread, because I want to set a good example for
others. (That's me, a role model to the youth ...)
I encountered a problem in the newest version of Konqueror that did not seem
to exist in the older versions, so far as I know.
When I want to inspect my hard drives (internal/external, mounted/unmounted),
I found it is sometimes useful to enter, in the address bar:
This gives me information about my drives at a glance, as well as allowing
access to various tools and settings for working with those disks and
partitions. I don't use it often (relatively speaking), but now I find that I
cannot use it at all when running Konqueror as root.
See attachments for screenshots. (Note that my weird colors in root are
intentional; I override some settings to make it easier on my old eyes.) I
already tested this on a fresh installation, before applying any customized
When it's not there, I find that I need to use it much more than I remember.
I am sure that there are other ways to obtain the same information, other ways
to accomplish the same things -- and I would be glad to hear them -- but for
now, however, I really want to retrieve these tools. I have installed some
new hard drives, and as usual, they need some help in finding their proper
place in my system.
Thanks for any help or suggestions!
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