On Thursday 10 September 2020, Mike Bird via tde-users wrote: > On Thu September 10 2020 11:19:35 William Morder via tde-users wrote: > > I always knew that, if Seagate somehow stays in business, then they must > > have some customers somewhere. You must be the one. > > Seagate shipments for 2019 were just ahead of Western Digital shipments > with Toshiba trailing well behind. > > Over the years it goes in cycles. Manufacturers cut corners until they > get a crap reputation and then they have to invest to build their > reputation back. > > We've got Seagates, Western Digitals, and even some Maxtors. Some > of them must be twenty years old. If you protect them from heat > and physical shock and power surge the MTBF can be over a century. > > --Mike > _______________________________________________ > tde-users mailing list -- users@... > To unsubscribe send an email to users-leave@... > Web mail archive available at > https://mail.trinitydesktop.org/mailman3/hyperkitty/list/users@trinitydeskt >op.org > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah you're correct about all of that. I have a maxtor 750G that's 18 yo and still going. Always on a surge suppressor, always in a cool dry environment, never moved. Kate