>>> "SBvt" == Sl�vek Banko via tde-users <ml-migration-agent-AA1CGeSZfcB6iVtQByZ3Ah2eb7JE58TQ@...> writes:
> On Wednesday 16 of September 2020 16:46:45 Uwe Brauer via tde-users wrote:
>> Hi
>> In the latest trinity kicker does not work, but freezes, I attach a
>> screen shot
>> Shall I switch to the nightly builds?
>> Regards
>> Uwe Brauer
> Are you using a stable release - R14.0.8 or a PSB repository - R14.0.9~pre?
Very strange, I switched to
# Trinity preliminary stable builds
deb http://mirror.ppa.trinitydesktop.org/trinity/deb/trinity-sb focal deps-r14 main-r14
deb-src http://mirror.ppa.trinitydesktop.org/trinity/deb/trinity-sb focal deps-r14 main-r14
sudo apt-get install kubuntu-default-settings-trinity
kubuntu-default-settings-trinity is already the newest version
kubuntu-desktop-trinity is already the newest version
Shall I switch to the nightly builds, but I don't understand this behaviour
- smime.p7s (application/pkcs7-signature, 7.5kb)