On Tuesday 22 September 2020 03:28:32 pm Uwe Brauer via tde-users wrote: > Be it as it may, everything was fine on the X200s till I run > > sudo dpkg-reconfigure tdm-trinity > > To use tdm-trinity instead of lightdm > > Now when I try to reboot the machine never shows a login but is in the > infinite loop. Any idea what I could do (other than reinstalling the > whole beast) Hey Uwe, If I read the whole thread right you just need google-chrome to work because of uni? As a thought, try the Devuan and MX Linux Live USBs and see if either will install/run google-chrome first. Both Devuan and MX will install TDE. Best, Michael Devuan Live USB You'll have to google that, it doesn't seem to be on their Install page, https://www.devuan.org/os/install MX Linux Live USB https://mxlinux.org/blog/live-usb-maker-tool-now-available-as-an-appimage/ ____________________________________________________ tde-users mailing list -- users@... To unsubscribe send an email to users-leave@... Web mail archive available at https://mail.trinitydesktop.org/mailman3/hyperkitty/list/users@...