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Month: November 2020

Re: [trinity-users] TDE screenshot for upcoming release

From: "David C. Rankin" <drankinatty@...>
Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2020 01:54:56 -0600
On 11/7/20 8:07 AM, Luiz Ant�nio wrote:
> I would love to send some, but i've stopped using TDE for a while because Arch
> Linux PKGBUILDs are broken- and i don't have spare time to fix them.
> There's some documentation teaching how to build this last release from the
> source code?
> Regards, Luiz Ant�nio.

I feel your pain, I built TDE for Arch from 2012 to late 2014 and with every
upstream change Arch incorporates on a weekly basis something breaks. It
turned into a full time job...

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.