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Month: December 2011

KDE4 has deteriorated! was:Re: [trinity-users] mirror uidaho down

From: Lisi <lisi.reisz@...>
Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2011 20:33:31 +0000
Could it get any worse?? Yes, it could.

On Friday 23 December 2011 00:35:27 Timothy Pearson wrote:
> > What's the status of the mirror problem?
> > I have a couple machines I need to install ASAP.
> Unfortunately the mirror system rebuild is still in progress.  I would not
> expect access to be restored before Jan. 1st.

:-(  I have just decided that as I can't have Trinity on a fresh install for 
the moment, I should look at KDE 4.  After all, perhaps I shouldn't condemn 
something out of hand and permanently.  Fortunately it is in a VM and easily 
removeable.  I shall just get rid of the whole VM and start again.  It is 
GHASTLY.  Far worse than I remembered.  So, pending the reopening of the 
mirrors, I shall have a look at Lubuntu.

The fates really don't like me this week! :-(

And I'm not, I hope you realise, in any way shape or form, blaming our 
marvellous and hard working devs.
