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Month: January 2012

Re: [trinity-users] PyKDE3 build fails - Missing kdeversion.h

From: Darrell Anderson <humanreadable@...>
Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2012 12:11:35 -0800 (PST)
> Thank you for your very detailed response and the
> information it contained. I decided, after your post to
> start from scratch (I'm using this as a learning exercise)
> but even with your info I'm still having problems marrying
> the QT/TQT thing.
> I've installed TQt (qt3-3.5.13.tar.gz source) into /opt/qt,
> tqtinterface into /usr, dbus-tqt & dbus-1-tqt (both with
> --prefix /usr), sip4-tqt and  tqscintilla.
> python-tqt however seems to be confused about what is
> installed and where. More than likely my configuration
> that's causing the problem!
> Anyway;
> 'python' results in 'Error: No TQt libraries
> could be found in /opt/qt/lib'
> 'python -q /usr' results in 'Error: Unable to
> open /usr/mkspecs/linux-g++/qmake.conf'
> etc, etc.
> Obviously I don't need to build python-tqt but I would like
> to get a better understanding of what's going wrong.

First, I am not an expert with building packages. Caveat emptor. :)

In my environment I build everything to install to $PREFIX=/opt/trinity, expect tqtinterface, which I install to $PREFIX=/usr. That means I build qt3 to install to /opt/trinity as well.

In my build scripts I still install all traditional doc files to /usr/doc.

With that said, I notice in my build PyKDE3 script I have the following:

# python ./ -h
# exit 1

# -h      displays the help message
# -c      concatenates each module's C/C++ source files [default]
# -d dir  where the PyKDE modules will be installed [default %s] % opt_pykdemoddir
# -g      always release the GIL (SIP v3.x behaviour)
# -i      no concatenation of each module's C/C++ source files
# -j #    splits the concatenated C++ source files into # pieces [default 1]
# -k dir  the KDE base directory ($PREFIX)
# -L dir  the library directory name [default lib] ($LIBDIR)
# -n dir  the directory containing the KDE lib files ($LIBDIR/kde3)
# -o dir  the directory containing the KDE header files ($PREFIX/include/kde3)
# -r      generates code with tracing enabled [default disabled]
# -u      build with debugging symbols
# -v dir  where the PyKDE .sip files will be installed [default %s] % opt_pykdesipdir
# -w      turn on KDE deprecated object warnings when compiling [default off]
# -z file the name of a file containing command line flags

echo "Running ./ -k $PREFIX -L $LIBDIR -n $LIBDIR -o $PREFIX/include -i"
echo "Please be patient."
python ./ -k $PREFIX -L $LIBDIR -n $LIBDIR -o $PREFIX/include -i

I have not yet started trying to build directly from GIT, but I suspect something similar is needed. I hope this helps. :)

NOTE: To everybody reading the recent discussion about cmake options and quality assurance testing. Only a few people try to build t/kdebindings. This package is a good example of why as a team we need to test and building all packages and not just those we use. I know that t/kdebindings is a bugger, but that is a poor excuse for us as the upstream providers not to fully test. Okay, I'm off my soap box. :)
