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Month: January 2012

Re: [trinity-users] gtk-based apps, trinity and gtk-qt-engine-trinity

From: "John A. Sullivan III" <jsullivan@...>
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 11:18:03 -0500
On Thu, 2012-01-12 at 16:47 +0100, Nicolas Bercher wrote:
> Hi,
> I use gtk-qt-engine-trinity on a Debian Squeeze to have gtk-based
> apps look like qt3 ones.  But I encounter  "repaint" issues using
> some gtk based apps but not all of them.  For example, iceweasel
> (firefox), have severe bugs that make menu entries
> ( or tabs to disappear (all painted in gray).
> More precisely: correct graphics appears as appropriate but
> disappears when the mouse leaves the graphical pane of tabs, menu
> items, etc.  I use iceweasel 7.0.1 and 3.2.1.
> Is there any fix to this applicable for me?
I had the same problem on Lenny using 3.5.12.  I believe I opened a bug
report on it - John