On 13 January 2012 09:56, Nicolas Bercher
<nbercher@...> wrote:
David Hare a écrit :
On 12/01/12 16:18, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
On Thu, 2012-01-12 at 16:47 +0100, Nicolas Bercher wrote:
I use gtk-qt-engine-trinity on a Debian Squeeze to have gtk-based
apps look like qt3 ones. But I encounter "repaint" issues using
some gtk based apps but not all of them. For example, iceweasel
(firefox), openoffice.org have severe bugs that make menu entries
(oo.org) or tabs to disappear (all painted in gray).
More precisely: correct graphics appears as appropriate but
disappears when the mouse leaves the graphical pane of tabs, menu
items, etc. I use iceweasel 7.0.1 and openoffice.org 3.2.1.
Is there any fix to this applicable for me?
I had the same problem on Lenny using 3.5.12. I believe I opened a bug
report on it - John
No such problems here with gtk-qt-engine-trinity on 3 different machines.. Graphics driver issue?
Oh yes, I forgot to consider this. I fixed some issues in the past by
tweaking oo.org rendering options, but I'm not sure this is possible
with iceweasel (a quick look at about:config gave me nothing relevant
to do so).
I'll try it for oo.org.
Hey guys,
submitting bug reports and attaching steps to reproduce this would be great. I've worked on the gtk engine a bit, but it's often hard to reproduce the same bug twice.
I have noticed instability with a few apps as well: nm-applet, vuze, geany, firefox