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Month: January 2012

Re: [trinity-users] K Menu - kicker crash

From: Darrell Anderson <humanreadable@...>
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2012 10:22:21 -0800 (PST)
>  I've just completed a TDE build from
> scratch on a fresh Debian Wheezy system, from the stable
> source.
> There were a number of issues to do with the source, which
> I'll document separately, in case it's useful to others.
> One problem that I have so far found with the resulting
> installation is 'kicker' crashing when attempting to select
> the 'System' sub menu option. In more detail, using the
> mouse to select 'K Menu' and then moving the mouse pointer
> to the 'System' entry in the upper, 'All Applications'
> portion of the menu, _always_ results in a crash, bringing
> up the 'KDE Panel - The KDE Crash Handler' dialog box.
> Any body any ideas?
> Is there a way to determine what, if any, options should be
> available on the sub menu on this system? Obviously there
> will be different options available on different systems.
> Maybe it's crashing cos it's empty.

I seem to recall similar reports a while back. I thought those bugs were resolved. You might want to check the bugzilla. Maybe also check the web for similar bugs with KDE3.

Just a side thought: if you build local development/testing packages with debugging enabled, then you'll be able to produce backtraces for the gurus to evaluate. I use the following in my master build script:

if [ "$DEBUG" = "true" ]; then

The individual package build scripts look like this:




  ./configure \

I enable $DEBUG to true as the default and can override when wanted. When I post packages for other people, I create separate debugging symbol packages. For local testing purposes, the debugging symbols can remain a part of the overall package.

Debugging support makes much larger packages, but is more useful for testing, which I think all developers and packagers should be using with unofficial packages. :)
