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Month: April 2012

Re: [trinity-users] Installing Trinity 3.5.12 on Squeeze

From: Lisi <lisi.reisz@...>
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2012 22:22:11 +0100
On Monday 23 April 2012 22:10:20 Lisi wrote:
> On Monday 23 April 2012 20:21:40 Greg Madden wrote:
> > I would trim your sources list, do you need 'deb-src' entries ? You also
> > have two security entries, i use the ~sqeeze/updates one. �Sometimes a
> > when a sources entry fails to connect you can get missing
> > packages/depends.
> Thanks!  I'll certainly comment out the src lines - as you say, I do not
> really need them, and can uncomment them if I ever do..
> But the two squeeze updates are not in fact the same thing.
> deb squeeze/updates main
> is, as it says, security, so is necessary.
> deb squeeze-updates main
> is not security - there is no mention of security. It is the replacement
> for volatile.
> Still, I could certainly comment both out temporarily.
> I am still baffled as to why the same procedure worked a week or two ago
> and doesn't work now!!!
> Anyway, now to try your suggestions.  Thanks for them.

I commented out virtually everything, and got exactly the same result.  

I am wondering whether I should try 3.5.13 with Slavek's patches, but that is 
really the result of desperation!!  I am a little worried because this is not 
my computer, and I have never tried to use patches before.

It occurs to me to wonder whether a possible explanation is that I had tried 
to install 3.5.13 before and failed because of problems with the 
repositories.  I simply don't remember how far I got, if I got anywhere.

So I think I'll try that next, before I resort to tearing my hair out. :-(

Thanks again,