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Month: December 2012

Re: [trinity-users] sudoers file deleted!

From: "Mag. Dr. Nikolaus Klepp" <office@...>
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2012 10:45:31 +0100
I'd suggest you interrupt the boot loader (grub? grub2?) and 
add "init=/bin/bash" to the kernel options, then just boot on. You'll get a 
bash in root from where the first thing to do is "passwd". then just reboot 
the box and you can get root via "su" and the password.


Am Samstag, 15. Dezember 2012 schrieb Uwe Brauer:
> >> "Werner" == Werner Joss <werner@...> writes:
>    Werner> well, you can download a sample file from the
>    Werner> internet or, if you still have a default sudoers
>    Werner> file, edit that from the live cd.  mount your HD
>    Werner> first, of course.
>    >> sorry for this elementary question: but using the live cd,
>    >> can I simple mount like
>    >> mkdir tmp
>    >> mount -t jfs /dev/sda5 /tmp
>    >>
>    >> Then the HD is  writable???
>    >
>    > well, not sure if /tmp is a good mount point (could already be in
>    > use), but basically, it should work this way.
> I am very confused but this does not work. I took a
> different machine running 10.04 trinity. It has only a root
> partion with jfs on it.
> So when I boot with my virtual 10.04 Cd and then try to
> mount via
> mount -t jfs /dev/sda5 /tmp2
> Or what ever mount complains:
> "wrong fs type or bad superblock":
> the usual message of mount when something is wrong.
> I have also on /dev/sda1 a windows partion with ntfs. This
> one I can mount. So I am stuck.
> There must be something very elementary which I miss, but
> what?
> Thanks
> Uwe Brauer
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Mag. Dr. Nikolaus Klepp
Einnehmerstra�e 14
A-4810 Gmunden
Tel.: +43 650 82 11 724
email: office@...