Happy New Year, all! A few months ago I saw that it was possible to put text with the icons on the KMail toolbar and breathed a sigh of relief. I could at last move my husband from Icedove (Thunderbird) to KMail, without being cruel to him, and my life would get a whole lot easier. I could finally have him on Maildir not Mbox and could remove the viruses he loves downloading, without destroying half his email. He downloads viruses with gay abandon, and whilst they do not hurt him, he has Windows using friends. I am about to set his new computer up. I am looking at things on my computer to refresh my memory. And the text has disappeared again! I am really sad about this. Does anyone know where it has disappeared to or where I ought to be looking? I hope that the problem is PEBKAC, and thus easily solved with your help. It is KMail 1.9.10 on TDE Please help! I can't face another eternity of trying to protect his friends from viruses on Icedove. I tend to get cowardly and not run a virus check. :-( I have Googled and Googled. I have been Googling for a week or two. :-( He is away, and I want to have it set up properly for him when he gets home on Thursday. Thanks, Lisi P.S. I once found seven little .exe files sitting in his home directory doing nothing!! They were easy to delete. :-)