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Month: January 2013

Re: [trinity-users] Icon themes for TDE

From: Lisi Reisz <lisi.reisz@...>
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2013 15:14:53 +0000
On Friday 04 January 2013 13:55:01 Andy Vet Rep wrote:
> Saying that doesn't mean that Crystal SVG has to be removed forever... It
> can also be available in the icon theme list as well.

Surely that also means that if Oxygen were available you could chose that?  
Why are you so sure that everybody who is not currently using TDE would leap 
at it if Oxygen were used?

Experience in other media (e.g. Radio 4, a broadcasting channel, here) is that 
if you change and "modernise" in order to bring in the young, which radio 4 
did, and what I suspect you may mean when you say that people will be put 
off, you will probably not bring in the young, who will still not like it, 
but you will lose those you have already got.  Radio 4 had to change back, 
and last time I checked had still not regained all its lost listeners.

Our Post Office decided that it needed a sparkly new "modern" name.  It 
changed to, I think, Consignia.  It was a disaster and they had to change 

As you say, you can change things on your live CD and people have to be, and I 
hope are, grateful for what they get.

I have used - and been grateful for - it.  I used to use PCLOS as one of my 
library of Live CDs, but dropped it when they went to KDE4.  It is nice to 
have it back!  But I find the desktop so off-putting to look at, even 
temporarily, that I change it immediately, as soon as it boots up.  I know, 
however, that there are those who love your choice at the moment.

Clearly my opinion about TDE is no more important than yours, possibly less 
so, and you have the support of Tim, whose opinion clearly matters a lot more 
than mine.  But the majority of those who have posted on this list think as I 
do that change for change's sake is not a good idea.  As I said, if it ain't 
broke don't fix it. :-)
