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Month: January 2013

Re: [trinity-users] Migration to F16-Trinity_GoggleEarth

From: Patrick Serru <patrick@...>
Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2013 08:37:10 -0500
Le samedi 12 janvier 2013, Francois Andriot a �crit :
> Le 12/01/2013 00:49, Patrick Serru a �crit :
>> Le jeudi 10 janvier 2013, Fran�ois ANDRIOT a �crit :
>>> Le 10/01/2013 03:31, Patrick Serru a �crit :
>>>>         Thank you, Fran�ois
>>>> Le mercredi 09 janvier 2013, Fran�ois ANDRIOT a �crit :
>>>>> Le 08/01/2013 06:29, Patrick Serru a �crit :
>>>>>> Le lundi 07 janvier 2013, Fran�ois ANDRIOT a �crit :
>>>>>>> Le 07/01/2013 15:12, Patrick Serru a �crit :
>>>>>>>>           Hi All,
>>>>>>>>           If I lauch GE from a Konsol, it gives:
>>>>>>>> /opt/google/earth/free/google-earth: ./googleearth-bin: /lib/
>>>>>>>> bad ELF interpreter: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
>>>>>>>>        During some previous installation tryes, I sow that the
>>>>>>>> problem was coming from a library requested by a component of
>>>>>>>> Trinity. Can someone tell me, please, how to do to be able to run
>>>>>>>> Google Earth, while using TDE as windows manager?
>>>>>>>>           Thank you
>>>>>>>> Patrick
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> it looks like you are installing a 32 bits application on a 64 bits
>>>>>>> machine.
>>>>>>> I guess the 32 bits library /lib/ is missing on your
>>>>>>> system.
>>>>>>> To find which package to install, just type:
>>>>>>>       yum provides /lib/
>>>>>>> Then install the package (I guess the name:
>>>>>>>       yum install redhat-lsb.i686
>>>>>>> Francois
>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>      Thank you Fran�ois,
>>>>>>      The resulting text of the command is attached. The tail of it
>>>>>> being:
>>>>>> protection contre les diff�rentes versions de biblioth�ques :
>>>>>> qt3-3.3.8b-41.fc17.i686 != 1:qt3-3.3.8.d-9.fc17.x86_64
>>>>>>          The previous tryed command was
>>>>>> "install redhat-lsb-4.1-5.fc17.i686"...
>>>>>>          Cheers
>>>>>> Patrick
>>>>> I see, yum searches for QT3 3.3.8d for 32 bits, but it is not 
>>>>> in the 64 bits repository.
>>>>> I will fix this in the next Trinity release.
>>>>> Until then, you can manually download and install the following
>>>>> packages:
>>>>> http://ppa.quickbuild.../qt3-3.3.8.d-9.fc17.i686.rpm
>>>>>                       .../qt3-config-3.3.8.d-9.fc17.i686.rpm
>>>>> Then install them:
>>>>>      rpm -Uvh qt3-*.i686.rpm
>>>>         The result is:
>>>> [user@lin-pat Telechargements]# rpm -Uvh qt3-*.i686.rpm
>>>> erreur: D�pendances requises:
>>>> est n�cessaire pour qt3-1:3.3.8.d-9.fc17.i686
>>>> est n�cessaire pour qt3-1:3.3.8.d-9.fc17.i686
>>>> est n�cessaire pour qt3-1:3.3.8.d-9.fc17.i686
>>>> est n�cessaire pour 
>>>> est n�cessaire pour qt3-config-1:3.3.8.d-9.fc17.i686
>>>> est n�cessaire pour qt3-config-1:3.3.8.d-9.fc17.i686
>>>>> Then try again to install redhat-lsb.i686 and then googleearth.
>>>>> Francois
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Patrick
>>> OK you have no 32 bits library at all on your computer.
>>> Then try to install the files with yum:
>>> yum localinstall --nogpgcheck qt3-*.i686.rpm
>>> Francois
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>        Hi Fran�ois,
>>        Thank you. Attached is the resultS
>>        Cheers
>> Patrick
> Now that QT3 is installed, don't forget to install redhat-lsb.i686
> yum install redhat-lsb.i686
> Francois
      Hi Fran�ois, and thank you,

      Attached are the resultS. Does'nt it mean "game over" :-/

[root@lin-pat pserru]# yum install redhat-lsb.i686
Modules compl�mentaires charg�s�: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
Repository trinity-3.5.13 is listed more than once in the configuration
Repository trinity-3.5.13-noarch is listed more than once in the configuration
Repository trinity-3.5.13-source is listed more than once in the configuration
google-chrome                                       |  951 B     00:00
google-earth                                        |  951 B     00:00
rpmfusion-free-updates                              | 3.3 kB     00:00
rpmfusion-nonfree-updates                           | 3.3 kB     00:00
trinity-3.5.13                                      | 2.7 kB     00:00
trinity-3.5.13-noarch                               | 2.6 kB     00:00
trinity-3.5.13-source                               | 2.6 kB     00:00
trinity-extras                                      | 2.7 kB     00:00
trinity-extras-noarch                               | 2.6 kB     00:00
trinity-extras-source                               | 2.6 kB     00:00
updates/17/x86_64/metalink                          |  51 kB     00:00
R�solution des d�pendances
--> Lancement de la transaction de test
---> Le paquet redhat-lsb.i686 0:4.1-5.fc17 sera install�
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: redhat-lsb-desktop(x86-32) = 4.1 pour le paquet�: redhat-lsb-4.1-5.fc17.i686
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: redhat-lsb-cxx(x86-32) = 4.1 pour le paquet�: redhat-lsb-4.1-5.fc17.i686
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: redhat-lsb-core(x86-32) = 4.1 pour le paquet�: redhat-lsb-4.1-5.fc17.i686
--> Lancement de la transaction de test
---> Le paquet redhat-lsb-core.i686 0:4.1-5.fc17 sera install�
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: redhat-lsb-submod-security(x86-32) = 4.1 pour le paquet�: redhat-lsb-core-4.1-5.fc17.i686
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: pam(x86-32) pour le paquet�: redhat-lsb-core-4.1-5.fc17.i686
---> Le paquet redhat-lsb-cxx.i686 0:4.1-5.fc17 sera install�
---> Le paquet redhat-lsb-desktop.i686 0:4.1-5.fc17 sera install�
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: redhat-lsb-submod-multimedia(x86-32) = 4.1 pour le paquet�: redhat-lsb-desktop-4.1-5.fc17.i686
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: qt-x11(x86-32) pour le paquet�: redhat-lsb-desktop-4.1-5.fc17.i686
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: qt(x86-32) pour le paquet�: redhat-lsb-desktop-4.1-5.fc17.i686
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: libpng-compat(x86-32) pour le paquet�: redhat-lsb-desktop-4.1-5.fc17.i686
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: libXt(x86-32) pour le paquet�: redhat-lsb-desktop-4.1-5.fc17.i686
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: gtk2(x86-32) pour le paquet�: redhat-lsb-desktop-4.1-5.fc17.i686
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: gdk-pixbuf2(x86-32) pour le paquet�: redhat-lsb-desktop-4.1-5.fc17.i686
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: atk(x86-32) pour le paquet�: redhat-lsb-desktop-4.1-5.fc17.i686
--> Lancement de la transaction de test
---> Le paquet atk.i686 0:2.4.0-1.fc17 sera install�
---> Le paquet gdk-pixbuf2.i686 0:2.26.1-1.fc17 sera install�
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: pour le paquet�: gdk-pixbuf2-2.26.1-1.fc17.i686
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: pour le paquet�: gdk-pixbuf2-2.26.1-1.fc17.i686
---> Le paquet gtk2.i686 0:2.24.13-1.fc17 sera install�
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: pour le paquet�: gtk2-2.24.13-1.fc17.i686
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: pour le paquet�: gtk2-2.24.13-1.fc17.i686
---> Le paquet libXt.i686 0:1.1.2-2.fc17 sera install�
---> Le paquet libpng-compat.i686 2:1.5.10-1.fc17 sera install�
---> Le paquet pam.i686 0:1.1.5-7.fc17 sera install�
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: pour le paquet�: pam-1.1.5-7.fc17.i686
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: pour le paquet�: pam-1.1.5-7.fc17.i686
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: pour le paquet�: pam-1.1.5-7.fc17.i686
---> Le paquet qt.i686 1:4.8.4-1.fc17 sera install�
---> Le paquet qt-x11.i686 1:4.8.4-1.fc17 sera install�
---> Le paquet redhat-lsb-submod-multimedia.i686 0:4.1-5.fc17 sera install�
---> Le paquet redhat-lsb-submod-security.i686 0:4.1-5.fc17 sera install�
--> Lancement de la transaction de test
---> Le paquet audit-libs.i686 0:2.2.1-1.fc17 sera install�
---> Le paquet cracklib.i686 0:2.8.18-3.fc17 sera install�
---> Le paquet cups-libs.i686 1:1.5.4-11.fc17 sera install�
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: pour le paquet�: 1:cups-libs-1.5.4-11.fc17.i686
--> Traitement de la d�pendance�: pour le paquet�: 1:cups-libs-1.5.4-11.fc17.i686
---> Le paquet db4.i686 0:4.8.30-10.fc17 sera install�
---> Le paquet jasper-libs.i686 0:1.900.1-19.fc17 sera install�
---> Le paquet libXcomposite.i686 0:0.4.3-3.fc17 sera install�
---> Le paquet libtiff.i686 0:3.9.7-1.fc17 sera install�
--> Lancement de la transaction de test
---> Le paquet avahi-libs.i686 0:0.6.31-5.fc17 sera install�
--> R�solution des d�pendances termin�e

D�pendances r�solues

 Package                        Architecture
                                       Version             D�p�t     Taille
Installation de :
 redhat-lsb                     i686   4.1-5.fc17          updates    13 k
Installation pour d�pendances :
 atk                            i686   2.4.0-1.fc17        fedora    225 k
 audit-libs                     i686   2.2.1-1.fc17        fedora     68 k
 avahi-libs                     i686   0.6.31-5.fc17       updates    57 k
 cracklib                       i686   2.8.18-3.fc17       fedora     72 k
 cups-libs                      i686   1:1.5.4-11.fc17     updates   365 k
 db4                            i686   4.8.30-10.fc17      fedora    620 k
 gdk-pixbuf2                    i686   2.26.1-1.fc17       fedora    505 k
 gtk2                           i686   2.24.13-1.fc17      updates   3.3 M
 jasper-libs                    i686   1.900.1-19.fc17     fedora    141 k
 libXcomposite                  i686   0.4.3-3.fc17        fedora     20 k
 libXt                          i686   1.1.2-2.fc17        fedora    181 k
 libpng-compat                  i686   2:1.5.10-1.fc17     fedora     94 k
 libtiff                        i686   3.9.7-1.fc17        updates   138 k
 pam                            i686   1.1.5-7.fc17        updates   658 k
 qt                             i686   1:4.8.4-1.fc17      updates   4.5 M
 qt-x11                         i686   1:4.8.4-1.fc17      updates    12 M
 redhat-lsb-core                i686   4.1-5.fc17          updates    28 k
 redhat-lsb-cxx                 i686   4.1-5.fc17          updates    14 k
 redhat-lsb-desktop             i686   4.1-5.fc17          updates    18 k
 redhat-lsb-submod-multimedia   i686   4.1-5.fc17          updates    13 k
 redhat-lsb-submod-security     i686   4.1-5.fc17          updates    13 k

R�sum� de la transaction
Installation   1 Paquet (+21 Paquets en d�pendance)

Taille totale des t�l�chargements�: 23 M
Taille d'installation�: 72 M
Est-ce correct [o/N]�: o
T�l�chargement des paquets�:
(1/22): atk-2.4.0-1.fc17.i686.rpm                   | 225 kB     00:07
(2/22): audit-libs-2.2.1-1.fc17.i686.rpm            |  68 kB     00:06
(3/22): avahi-libs-0.6.31-5.fc17.i686.rpm           |  57 kB     00:06
(4/22): cracklib-2.8.18-3.fc17.i686.rpm             |  72 kB     00:01
cups-libs-1.5.4-11.fc17.i686.r FAILED HTTP Error 503 - Service Unavailable : [Errno 14] HTTP Error 503 - Service Unavailable :
Essai d'un autre miroir.
(5/22): db4-4.8.30-10.fc17.i686.rpm                 | 620 kB     00:03
(6/22): gdk-pixbuf2-2.26.1-1.fc17.i686.rpm          | 505 kB     00:02
(7/22): gtk2-2.24.13-1.fc17.i686.rpm                | 3.3 MB     00:25
(8/22): jasper-libs-1.900.1-19.fc17.i686.rpm        | 141 kB     00:01
(9/22): libXcomposite-0.4.3-3.fc17.i686.rpm         |  20 kB     00:00
(10/22): libXt-1.1.2-2.fc17.i686.rpm                | 181 kB     00:01
(11/22): libpng-compat-1.5.10-1.fc17.i686.rpm       |  94 kB     00:00
(12/22): libtiff-3.9.7-1.fc17.i686.rpm              | 138 kB     00:06
(13/22): pam-1.1.5-7.fc17.i686.rpm                  | 658 kB     00:09
(14/22): qt-4.8.4-1.fc17.i686.rpm                   | 4.5 MB     00:38
(15/22): qt-x11-4.8.4-1.fc17.i686.rpm               |  12 MB     01:12
(16/22): redhat-lsb-4.1-5.fc17.i686.rpm             |  13 kB     00:17
(17/22): redhat-lsb-core-4.1-5.fc17.i686.rpm        |  28 kB     00:06
(18/22): redhat-lsb-cxx-4.1-5.fc17.i686.rpm         |  14 kB     00:06
(19/22): redhat-lsb-desktop-4.1-5.fc17.i686.rpm     |  18 kB     00:06
(20/22): redhat-lsb-submod-multimedia-4.1-5.fc17.i6 |  13 kB     00:05
(21/22): redhat-lsb-submod-security-4.1-5.fc17.i686 |  13 kB     00:05
(22/22): cups-libs-1.5.4-11.fc17.i686.rpm           | 365 kB     00:07
Total                                       95 kB/s |  23 MB     04:08
Test de la transaction en cours
Lancement de la transaction de test
Transaction de test r�ussie
Lancement de la transaction
  Installation de : libtiff-3.9.7-1.fc17.i686                         1/22
  Installation de : audit-libs-2.2.1-1.fc17.i686                      2/22
  Installation de : atk-2.4.0-1.fc17.i686                             3/22
  Installation de : 1:qt-4.8.4-1.fc17.i686                            4/22
  Installation de : redhat-lsb-submod-security-4.1-5.fc17.i686        5/22
  Installation de : redhat-lsb-submod-multimedia-4.1-5.fc17.i686      6/22
  Installation de : 1:qt-x11-4.8.4-1.fc17.i686                        7/22
  Installation de : 2:libpng-compat-1.5.10-1.fc17.i686                8/22
  Installation de : avahi-libs-0.6.31-5.fc17.i686                     9/22
  Installation de : 1:cups-libs-1.5.4-11.fc17.i686                   10/22
  Installation de : cracklib-2.8.18-3.fc17.i686                      11/22
  Installation de : db4-4.8.30-10.fc17.i686                          12/22
  Installation de : pam-1.1.5-7.fc17.i686                            13/22
  Installation de : redhat-lsb-core-4.1-5.fc17.i686                  14/22
  Installation de : redhat-lsb-cxx-4.1-5.fc17.i686                   15/22
  Installation de : jasper-libs-1.900.1-19.fc17.i686                 16/22
  Installation de : gdk-pixbuf2-2.26.1-1.fc17.i686                   17/22
  Installation de : libXcomposite-0.4.3-3.fc17.i686                  18/22
  Installation de : gtk2-2.24.13-1.fc17.i686                         19/22
  Installation de : libXt-1.1.2-2.fc17.i686                          20/22
  Installation de : redhat-lsb-desktop-4.1-5.fc17.i686               21/22
  Installation de : redhat-lsb-4.1-5.fc17.i686                       22/22
  V�rification    : 1:qt-4.8.4-1.fc17.i686                            1/22
  V�rification    : pam-1.1.5-7.fc17.i686                             2/22
  V�rification    : libXt-1.1.2-2.fc17.i686                           3/22
  V�rification    : redhat-lsb-4.1-5.fc17.i686                        4/22
  V�rification    : libXcomposite-0.4.3-3.fc17.i686                   5/22
  V�rification    : 1:qt-x11-4.8.4-1.fc17.i686                        6/22
  V�rification    : redhat-lsb-cxx-4.1-5.fc17.i686                    7/22
  V�rification    : jasper-libs-1.900.1-19.fc17.i686                  8/22
  V�rification    : redhat-lsb-core-4.1-5.fc17.i686                   9/22
  V�rification    : 1:cups-libs-1.5.4-11.fc17.i686                   10/22
  V�rification    : atk-2.4.0-1.fc17.i686                            11/22
  V�rification    : redhat-lsb-submod-multimedia-4.1-5.fc17.i686     12/22
  V�rification    : redhat-lsb-submod-security-4.1-5.fc17.i686       13/22
  V�rification    : gdk-pixbuf2-2.26.1-1.fc17.i686                   14/22
  V�rification    : redhat-lsb-desktop-4.1-5.fc17.i686               15/22
  V�rification    : db4-4.8.30-10.fc17.i686                          16/22
  V�rification    : cracklib-2.8.18-3.fc17.i686                      17/22
  V�rification    : avahi-libs-0.6.31-5.fc17.i686                    18/22
  V�rification    : gtk2-2.24.13-1.fc17.i686                         19/22
  V�rification    : audit-libs-2.2.1-1.fc17.i686                     20/22
  V�rification    : 2:libpng-compat-1.5.10-1.fc17.i686               21/22
  V�rification    : libtiff-3.9.7-1.fc17.i686                        22/22

  redhat-lsb.i686 0:4.1-5.fc17

D�pendances install�es�:
  atk.i686 0:2.4.0-1.fc17
  audit-libs.i686 0:2.2.1-1.fc17
  avahi-libs.i686 0:0.6.31-5.fc17
  cracklib.i686 0:2.8.18-3.fc17
  cups-libs.i686 1:1.5.4-11.fc17
  db4.i686 0:4.8.30-10.fc17
  gdk-pixbuf2.i686 0:2.26.1-1.fc17
  gtk2.i686 0:2.24.13-1.fc17
  jasper-libs.i686 0:1.900.1-19.fc17
  libXcomposite.i686 0:0.4.3-3.fc17
  libXt.i686 0:1.1.2-2.fc17
  libpng-compat.i686 2:1.5.10-1.fc17
  libtiff.i686 0:3.9.7-1.fc17
  pam.i686 0:1.1.5-7.fc17
  qt.i686 1:4.8.4-1.fc17
  qt-x11.i686 1:4.8.4-1.fc17
  redhat-lsb-core.i686 0:4.1-5.fc17
  redhat-lsb-cxx.i686 0:4.1-5.fc17
  redhat-lsb-desktop.i686 0:4.1-5.fc17
  redhat-lsb-submod-multimedia.i686 0:4.1-5.fc17
  redhat-lsb-submod-security.i686 0:4.1-5.fc17


[root@lin-pat pserru]# /opt/google/earth/free/google-earth
Google Earth has caught signal 11.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but Google Earth has crashed.
 This is a bug in the program, and should never happen under normal
 circumstances. A bug report and debugging data have been written
 to this text file:


Please include this file if you submit a bug report to Google.


[root@lin-pat pserru]# cat /root/.googleearth/crashlogs/crashlog-50f164dc.txt
Major Version 7
Minor Version 0
Build Number 0002
Build Date Dec 13 2012
Build Time 17:54:43
OS Type 3
OS Major Version 3
OS Minor Version 6
OS Build Version 10
OS Patch Version 0
Crash Signal 11
Crash Time 1357997276
Up Time 0,061624

Stacktrace from glibc: