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Month: January 2016

Re: [trinity-users] Port of KDE5 Breeze window borders for TDE

From: Thierry de Coulon <tcoulon@...>
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2016 16:56:14 +0100
On Monday 04 January 2016 16.40:20 midi-pascal wrote:
> Boot time has come up on various lists for years.
> I must say I never understood the point, especially for Linux.
> A power failure or a major version upgrade are the only occasions for a
> reboot on my Linux boxes.

I use Linux on Desktops. I don't let the computer run when I'm not at home / 
not working (that would mean using energy for nothing 80% of the time). 
Another situation is Linux on a laptop (I don't use laptops so often, so I 
shut them down when not).

This being said, boot time was almost never a big deal - it's so little 
compared to use time.

I loose more time when the system hangs, or some process uses all the power, 
or when I need five minutes to figure out how some "genius" managed to 
redesign a command that worked perfectly in the old way.

Everyone should keep an old machine at home. I've spent some time with an 
Amstrad PC 1512 recently and I can tell you my Linux machine is _very_ fast 
compared to this :)

It was fun to run these old programs however!
