TDE is already successfully compiled for ARM64 - see Preliminary Stable
Builds repository for Debian Jessie and Stretch.
Dne st 3. ledna 2018 Alexandre Couture napsal(a):
> Hi,
> I already ran TDE on Raspberry Pi model B and on a chinese ARM netbook.
> These were 32 bit ARM, but I don't see why TDE couldn't be compiled for
> 64 bit ARM.
> Have a great day!
> -Alexandre
> ________________________________
> De : dep <dep@...>
> Envoy� : 3 janvier 2018 13:08:55
> � : trinity-users@...
> Objet : [trinity-users] about to bite off more than i can chew
> so it seems likely that sometime in the next month the planet computers
> gemini will ship, dual booting android and debian stretch and,
> apparently, allowing linux apps to run under android (though we do not
> yet know whether the inverse is true, which would be useful for, say,
> telephone stuff).
> and amid my excitement i realize that there's a huge amount i don't
> know re. running linux applications on ARM machines. i've been spoiled
> by the ability on x86 machines to be able to add a repository to
> sources.lst and everything just works. my guess is that i'll not be
> able simply to add the trinity debian repository on this gadget and
> simply do an apt-get to make it all work.
> so, then, for those experienced in different architectures: is it
> likely i could simply recompile TDE on the machine itself and therefore
> get working binaries (presuming the availability of a compiler for the
> gadget), or is there more -- much, much more, probably -- that i'll
> need to do? the whole purpose of the exercise is to have TDE running
> usefully on a pocket-sized device, and i realize now that i don't even
> know if binaries would have to be specific to a particular device or
> just what.
> --
> dep