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Month: September 2020

Re: [trinity-users] how to get tdenetworkmanager - with no wicd ?

From: "BorgLabs - Kate Draven" <borglabs4@...>
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2020 11:10:44 -0400
> While I have Internet, of a sort, I still have a few glitches; for example, 
> cannot go offline, then go online again. Somehow, wicd either auto-connects 
> to my wifi network; when instead, I want to enable wifi, then look at the 
> available network choices, because my local network has several nodes or 
> access points within the building where I live, and somehow it doesn't 
> choose the strongest or closest signal. I have an access point right outside 
> my door, yet autoconnect seems to avoid it. 

Reply: if you are using some kind of communal wifi. Don't allow auto connect. 
Bad human. Instead always choose it manually. Go go prefs and untick any auto 
connect options. Be safe.

> But when I try to disconnect, sometimes wicd seems to hang on, and show me 
> still connected, yet I can't download emails or go online for other stuff. 
> When I run macchanger, it keeps showing me that my mac address changes; and 
> run knetstats-trinity (which is a nice simple gui tool) and it shows my 
> wireless is connected then disconnected, shows activity then no activity; 
> in reality, I can't go online. So my only recourse at this point is to 
> reboot. 
When that happens. Restart wicd and wicd-tray. However, before that, do this.
"service network restart" from a root terminal. See if that helps.

> When I tried to get tdenetworkmanager to run, I had those problems already 
> discussed earlier. I managed to download the packages and dependencies to 
> install network-manager-tde without systemd, so it all *seems* like it ought 
> to work out right, but I always end up going back to wicd; which, again, is 
> only sort of half-working at the moment, and I must keep rebooting. 
> How would I go about pruning away the wicd stuff that I don't want, and 
> keeping only the tdenetworkmanager and required dependencies, etc.? I've 
> search apt-get, but I believe that I already have all the dependencies and 
> recommends. I can't think what else I might have missed. 
You don't need to remove wicd for the moment, just disable it.
/etc/xdg/autostart is likely where you will find it.
or use whatever startup control tool you have to do the same.

tdenetworkmanager never seemed to work for me unless I ran it as root. Same 
with net-applet.
